Successful Events: Sample Program Evaluation

PFCIINSTRUCTIONS: Use this Sample Program Evaluation to gather quality feedback. Use the collected answers to improve future programs. This sample provides some suggested language. Feel free to expand or edit the survey to suit your specific needs. Print this on your company’s letterhead. Click here for more from “Successful Events: A 12-Step Guide to Organizing Programs that Educate, Motivate and Captivate.”

Tell Us What You Think

Your feedback is very important to us. Please take a few minutes to tell us what you think so we can better plan the next program


1. Did this program meet your expectations?

[ ] Yes [ ] No


2. Please rate the program overall…

[ ] fantastic [ ] very good [ ] good [ ] okay [ ] needs improvement


3. Please rate the presenters…. (check one box per presenter)

Presenter #1 [ ] fantastic [ ] very good [ ] good [ ] okay [ ] needs improvement

Presenter #2 [ ] fantastic [ ] very good [ ] good [ ] okay [ ] needs improvement

Presenter #3 [ ] fantastic [ ] very good [ ] good [ ] okay [ ] needs improvement

Presenter #4 [ ] fantastic [ ] very good [ ] good [ ] okay [ ] needs improvement


4. Please rate the facility…

[ ] fantastic [ ] very good [ ] good [ ] okay [ ] needs improvement


5. Please rate our staff…

[ ] fantastic [ ] very good [ ] good [ ] okay [ ] needs improvement


In the space provided, please tell us what we could do to improve.





Please complete this survey and turn it in immediately, and be sure to drop your business card in our prize bowl to be eligible for a drawing for valuable prizes!

© Society of American Florists

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